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Lemon balm
Lemon balm is a lemon-scented herb that comes from the same family as mint. Lemon balm has traditionally been used to improve mood and cognitive function and is known for its calming and anti-inflammatory effects.
Read more about it:
1. Relaxation
Lemon balm is said to soothe symptoms of stress, help you to relax, and boost your mood.
2. Reduce anxiety
Lemon balm may also be used to help reduce symptoms of anxiety, such as nervousness and excitability.
3. Lemon Balm Improves Sleep Quality
Lemon balm alone or in combination with valerian improves sleep quality in patients suffering from insomnia.
4. Regulate Blood Sugar Levels
It is one of those herbs that function to regulate irregular sugar levels in your bloodstream.
5. It may help treat cold sores
You can even apply lemon balm topically at the first sign of a cold sore.
Participants in a 1999 study applied either a lemon balm or placebo cream on the affected area four times per day for five days. The researchers found that the participants who used the lemon balm cream experienced fewer symptoms and healed faster than those who didn’t.
6. Lemon Balm Helps with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is caused by inflammation, high blood sugar, and fat.
In mice, lemon balm helps treat fatty liver disease by activating enzymes that break down fatty acids. Lemon balm also reduces the activity of white blood cells and inflammatory cytokines in the liver.
7. It may help relieve indigestion and treat nausea
If you experience frequent abdominal pain and discomfort, lemon balm may have a positive effect on your digestion, it may also help relieve feelings of nausea.
8. It may help ease headache and toothache pain
Lemon balm may also be useful in treating headaches, especially if they’re happening as a result of stress.
Lemon balm’s pain-relieving properties may make it an ideal choice for relieving toothache pain.
Side effects and risks
• Lemon balm should only be used for a short period of time. A general rule of thumb is to take one week off after every three weeks of use. You shouldn’t take lemon balm for longer than four months at a time without a break.
• You should talk to your doctor before use if you’re taking:
• thyroid medications
• sedatives
• drugs that affect serotonin
• You should also talk to your doctor before use if:
• you’re pregnant
• you’re breastfeeding
• you want to administer lemon balm to an infant or child under the age of 12
• you have a scheduled surgery
The bottom line
Lemon balm can’t replace any doctor-approved treatment plan that you’re currently following, but it may be an effective complementary treatment. Talk to your doctor about your individual case and the potential benefits and risks involved.

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