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Rosemary is a widely used herb that originates from the Mediterranean region. It dates back to the ancient Greeks who hailed the plant for assisting memory and stimulating the brain.
Rosemary is known to have one of the highest antioxidant properties of spices and can combat fungus and bacteria.
Rosemary can be taken in a wide range of forms like Powder, Tea, Extracts and Oil. The different forms of rosemary can produce different effects.
Rosemary Health Benefits
1) Rosemary Improves Brain Function
In a study of 144 volunteers, aromatherapy with rosemary improved working memory performance, memory quality, and increased alertness. However, memory speed declined compared to controls.
In a trial of 28 elderly subjects, low doses (750 mg) of rosemary powder improved memory speed. However, at larger doses (>1500 mg) memory speed, attention, and quality of memory declined.
Volunteers (20) scored better and more accurately in simple subtraction tests, even with decreased reaction times.
2) Rosemary Protects the Brain
Carnosic acid protects neurons from oxidative stress and overstimulation.
Carnosic acid builds up in nerve cells and other protective cells in the brain.
Carnosic acid protects part of the brain (middle cerebral artery) from tissue damage (ischemia/reperfusion injury). It reduced blood clots and brain swelling in rats.
Carnosic acid protects against oxidative stress, which can cause Alzheimer’s and reduced cell death in rat brains (hippocampus).
Rosemary also prevents beta-amyloid plaques, one of the leading causes of Alzheimer’s
3) Rosemary Can Fight Cancer
In human ovarian cancer cells, some active rosemary constituents stopped cancer cell growth and killed existing cancer cells.
There is a vast array of data supporting rosemary’s effectiveness against varieties of cancers including:
- Leukemia
- Colon
- Pancreas
- Breast
- Prostate
- Ovaries
- Cervix
- Bladder
- Liver
- Lung
Rosemary extracts with the highest carnosic acid concentration were the most effective. In liver cancer cells, carnosic acid decreased cell viability from 83.05 to 2.5%.
4) Rosemary Protects the Skin
In a study of 10 healthy subjects, rosemary extracts protected the skin from UV damage, increasing its effectiveness with time.More skin cells survived in the volunteers who received rosemary extracts. This protection helps reduce aging, cancer, or UV light damage.
Rosemary oil is also effective against bacteria (P. acnes) that cause acne.
5) Rosemary Improves Asthma
In a study of 40 asthma patients (DB-RT), rosemary extracts decreased asthma symptoms such as:
Chest pain
Production of sputum (mixture of saliva and mucus)
6) Rosemary Limits Weight Gain
In rats fed high-fat diets, rosemary extracts decreased weight gain by 64% and fat gain by 57% compared to controls.
Another study found similar results (69% improvements compared to the controls). While the extract did not decrease food intake, it increased fat loss.
7) Rosemary Has Antioxidant Properties
8) Rosemary Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties
9) Rosemary Prevents Blood Clots
10)Rosemary Reduces Pain
11) Rosemary Improves Mood
12) Rosemary Helps Reduce Cough
13) Rosemary May Increase Movement
14) Rosemary Helps Grow Hair
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